
Are you interested in becoming a school governor?

Brent is actively looking for people to be school governors. You don't have to be an expert in education or a parent; almost anyone can help. 

Being a school governor brings with it a real responsibility and a sense that you are able to contribute to the good of schools and pupils. It's a worthwhile task, but before offering to help it would be good to consider what it entails by reading our governors information.

If, after you have read about what is involved, you are still interested in becoming a school governor then you can download the governor application form at

What qualities are needed by school governors?

  • a desire to work for the good of ALL pupils
  • an interest in the work of schools
  • a desire to serve the local community
  • an ability to work as a member of a team
  • an ability to ask questions
  • a willingness to learn and undergo training
  • time to read papers and attend meetings
  • an ability to put the school's interests above personal preferences
  • an ability to respect others with whom you may not agree.

Please see below for details of our Governing body

Governor register and other information

Register of Interests CGSS for web 2023-24.pdf .pdf
CGSS Governor Attendance 2022-23.pdf .pdf
CGSS Governors list Nov 24-web 1.pdf .pdf

Our Governors


Register of Interests


Register of Attendance

Governor Attendance - 2022 - 2023
