
Some of our policies are currently under review and will be approved at our next full Governing Body Meeting.

our policies

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2025 final formated.pdf .pdf
Admissions Policy and Procedure.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy.pdf .pdf
Behvaiour Management Policy.pdf .pdf
CCTV Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality and Diversity Objectives Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
General Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Governors Allowance Policy.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023.pdf .pdf
Low Level Concern Policy.pdf .pdf
Mobile Phone and Camera Use Policy.pdf .pdf
Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Relationship Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
School Uniform Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - Draft.pdf .pdf
Supporting pupils with medical conditions and Administering Medication Policy.pdf .pdf

What is GDPR?

GDPR refers to the General Data Protecton Regulation.  GDPR determines how individuals personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have to your own data.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information that can identify a living individual

How does the school process and protect my Personal Data?

Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect your personal data and what it is used for, our Data Protection policy explains how we look afer and protect your personal data.

Click here to view Our Data Protection Policy

 Click here to view our CCTV Policy

 If you are concerned about the way we collect or use your personal data, please raise your concern with our designated Data Protection officer by e-mailing Deepti Bal at


Early Years Pupil Premium

EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf

EYPP 2023 - 2024  We currently have no children that qualify for EYPP (Early Years Pupil Premium)

Keeping Children Safe in Education


The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. 


There has been concern that children from disadvantaged backgrounds perform significantly less well than children from more affluent backgrounds. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) are often at risk of falling behind in their learning. Early Years Pupil premium was introduced to give schools extra funding to ‘close the gap’ between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils compared to other children within schools as well as nationally. 

Number of employees earning over £100k

- we do not have any employees earning over £100k


Some of our policies are currently under review and will be approved at our next full Governing Body Meeting.

our policies

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2025 final formated.pdf .pdf
Admissions Policy and Procedure.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy.pdf .pdf
Behvaiour Management Policy.pdf .pdf
CCTV Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality and Diversity Objectives Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
General Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Governors Allowance Policy.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023.pdf .pdf
Low Level Concern Policy.pdf .pdf
Mobile Phone and Camera Use Policy.pdf .pdf
Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Relationship Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
School Uniform Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - Draft.pdf .pdf
Supporting pupils with medical conditions and Administering Medication Policy.pdf .pdf

What is GDPR?

GDPR refers to the General Data Protecton Regulation.  GDPR determines how individuals personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have to your own data.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information that can identify a living individual

How does the school process and protect my Personal Data?

Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect your personal data and what it is used for, our Data Protection policy explains how we look afer and protect your personal data.

Click here to view Our Data Protection Policy

 Click here to view our CCTV Policy

 If you are concerned about the way we collect or use your personal data, please raise your concern with our designated Data Protection officer by e-mailing Deepti Bal at


Early Years Pupil Premium

EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf

EYPP 2023 - 2024  We currently have no children that qualify for EYPP (Early Years Pupil Premium)

Keeping Children Safe in Education


The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. 


There has been concern that children from disadvantaged backgrounds perform significantly less well than children from more affluent backgrounds. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) are often at risk of falling behind in their learning. Early Years Pupil premium was introduced to give schools extra funding to ‘close the gap’ between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils compared to other children within schools as well as nationally. 

Number of employees earning over £100k

- we do not have any employees earning over £100k


Some of our policies are currently under review and will be approved at our next full Governing Body Meeting.

our policies

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2025 final formated.pdf .pdf
Admissions Policy and Procedure.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy.pdf .pdf
Behvaiour Management Policy.pdf .pdf
CCTV Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality and Diversity Objectives Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
General Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Governors Allowance Policy.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023.pdf .pdf
Low Level Concern Policy.pdf .pdf
Mobile Phone and Camera Use Policy.pdf .pdf
Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Relationship Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
School Uniform Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - Draft.pdf .pdf
Supporting pupils with medical conditions and Administering Medication Policy.pdf .pdf

What is GDPR?

GDPR refers to the General Data Protecton Regulation.  GDPR determines how individuals personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have to your own data.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information that can identify a living individual

How does the school process and protect my Personal Data?

Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect your personal data and what it is used for, our Data Protection policy explains how we look afer and protect your personal data.

Click here to view Our Data Protection Policy

 Click here to view our CCTV Policy

 If you are concerned about the way we collect or use your personal data, please raise your concern with our designated Data Protection officer by e-mailing Deepti Bal at


Early Years Pupil Premium

EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf

EYPP 2023 - 2024  We currently have no children that qualify for EYPP (Early Years Pupil Premium)

Keeping Children Safe in Education


The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. 


There has been concern that children from disadvantaged backgrounds perform significantly less well than children from more affluent backgrounds. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) are often at risk of falling behind in their learning. Early Years Pupil premium was introduced to give schools extra funding to ‘close the gap’ between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils compared to other children within schools as well as nationally. 

Number of employees earning over £100k

- we do not have any employees earning over £100k


Some of our policies are currently under review and will be approved at our next full Governing Body Meeting.

our policies

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2025 final formated.pdf .pdf
Admissions Policy and Procedure.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy.pdf .pdf
Behvaiour Management Policy.pdf .pdf
CCTV Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality and Diversity Objectives Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
General Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Governors Allowance Policy.pdf .pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023.pdf .pdf
Low Level Concern Policy.pdf .pdf
Mobile Phone and Camera Use Policy.pdf .pdf
Privacy Notice.pdf .pdf
Relationship Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
School Uniform Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - Draft.pdf .pdf
Supporting pupils with medical conditions and Administering Medication Policy.pdf .pdf

What is GDPR?

GDPR refers to the General Data Protecton Regulation.  GDPR determines how individuals personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have to your own data.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information that can identify a living individual

How does the school process and protect my Personal Data?

Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect your personal data and what it is used for, our Data Protection policy explains how we look afer and protect your personal data.

Click here to view Our Data Protection Policy

 Click here to view our CCTV Policy

 If you are concerned about the way we collect or use your personal data, please raise your concern with our designated Data Protection officer by e-mailing Deepti Bal at


Early Years Pupil Premium

EYPP 2018-2019.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2019-2020.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Summer Term.pdf .pdf
EYPP 2021-2022 Final.pdf .pdf

EYPP 2023 - 2024  We currently have no children that qualify for EYPP (Early Years Pupil Premium)

Keeping Children Safe in Education


The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds. 


There has been concern that children from disadvantaged backgrounds perform significantly less well than children from more affluent backgrounds. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) are often at risk of falling behind in their learning. Early Years Pupil premium was introduced to give schools extra funding to ‘close the gap’ between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils compared to other children within schools as well as nationally. 

Number of employees earning over £100k

- we do not have any employees earning over £100k